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Web Design Company by Professional Website Developers

We can help you to develop stunning website in latest technology with custom web design

It is rightly said that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Build your brand, create confidence in your customer, stand apart from your competitors, and show your standards to the world. In other words, do business with style.

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Web Design Company by Professional Website Developers

Are you looking for a performance-driven, high-speed website design company?

If yes, our company, OPAL INFOTECH, will help you design a 100% business-oriented website that can beat your competitor's website in all ways. Whether it is style, color scheme, structure, technicality, SEO friendliness, or any other measurable aspect, our company has had great experience in designing thousands of websites since 1998. Get a stunning, responsive UI/UX design that has a grid-based responsive layout. Our expert web designers can handle any web design project, including custom websites or e-commerce designs.

We can consider designing the website to challenge competitors by incorporating a few elements—

A Customized and Stylish Web Design

A Customized and Stylish Web Design

If you design a website for branding or to generate business, then say "NO" to the website template. Our company offers unique, custom web designs that can stand apart from others. Our experienced web designers have the expertise to develop a theme-based site according to your industry, business, and application.

Responsive Website Layout

Responsive website layout

Do you know that Google prefers mobile-friendly websites?

All web designs created by our expert web designers, including custom PHP, e-commerce, or CMS, are responsive websites. In general terms, the website must be 100% compatible with all types of devices such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and most important with all kinds of mobile phone devices.

SEO-Friendly Designs

SEO-Friendly Designs

The main objective of any website design is to generate business and create brand value. This objective can only be achieved if the website is SEO-friendly. Otherwise, even after hiring the best SEO agency, they will not be able to produce the desired results.

We at OPAL INFOTECH design macro and micro layouts for great SEO results.

Better Website Security

Better website security

You cannot stop hackers from disturbing your business, but if you have designed a secure website, then there is nothing to worry about and can run the business smoothly. As a policy, we only work on the latest upgraded technology, allowing proper directories and file permissions and programming SQL queries to prevent SQL Injections. We never use outdated/deprecated plugins or code that allows XSS (cross-scripting).

We implement robust security measures to protect our clients' data, brand, and trust. It starts with compact password generation, authentication, and regular password changes. Then, SSL encryption is used to safeguard sensitive information and keep software and plugins updated.

We always stay vigilant by monitoring any suspicious activities on the website. We also assist our customers in selecting a top-quality web hosting company to protect clients' interests from server-side hacking.


Web Design Technology

Web Design Technology

We combine creativity with technology to build user-friendly websites. We offer web design services beyond aesthetics by pushing the boundaries of web design with cutting-edge technologies such as working on the latest frameworks like React and Angular and using creative tools like Figma to explore design possibilities, aligning with development workflows.

Our web designers and developers are well-trained in the latest technology to provide a robust design that can compete in performance with any competitor's website. In terms of technology, we provide a CMS website platform based on Angular, WordPress, Joomla, and others.

If it is eCommerce website design, then we offer Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, and all. For custom PHP platforms, we prefer Laravel, CodeIgnitor, and YII.


Fast-loading website

Web Design Technology

Nobody wants to wait if a website is loading slowly, ultimately resulting in the loss of prospective buyers. We give utmost priority to designing every page of the website to load as fast as possible by utilizing our technical skills. We optimize images without sacrificing quality. Efficient coding techniques are also important, which may reduce overall file size and server requests.

We prefer minimizing file size by applying all types of minification coding techniques. There are instances where certain pages need many images; in such cases, our design and development team uses image lazy loading, which can dramatically improve loading time for pages with a high number of images.

We also help our clients integrate CDN to distribute website content geographically to ensure quick loading times across the globe.


What Makes Your Website Design Unique?

What makes your website design unique?

There are two important elements while we design any website: one is the selection of the development platform, i.e., Angular, WordPress, Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, Custom PHP, etc., and the second is the elements of web design, which are layout, color combination, graphics, images, navigation structure, content creation and placement, typography, features, presentation, SEO friendliness, and user experience, etc.

Opal Infotech has skilled designers and developers who can give you the best output by taking care of the above two elements and helping you build an identity where you can stand out from the competition, meaning your website is not one of the many but unique.


We offer Web Design Services for more businesses and to enhance brand

To survive or grow in the business today, it is essential to have a rock-solid online presence for your business, whether you have a small, medium, or large company. It not only brings new business but also builds brand and establishes faith in your existing customers.

A well-designed website built with the latest technology is a powerful tool to showcase your products and services effectively and establish your brand image. That’s where your business needs professional web design services from experts.
A result-oriented website is a process that involves developing a concept, optimizing user experience, understanding the importance of visually appealing layouts, incorporating user-friendly design elements, responsive design, and engaging presentations to please prospective buyers as they find the products or services they are looking for.

Customization is the key element of hiring any competent web design company, as your design must stand apart from others and template-based websites, reflecting your brand's unique identity with an exclusive presentation.
It is also important for the designing company to consider the platform they use to offer services, whether it is the latest platform like Angular, Laravel, WordPress, etc. These types of platforms, built with the latest technology, offer stability, security, speed, and better features. A well-designed website is also easy to optimize for search engines, which can rank your website higher in search results and drive more organic traffic once it is promoted.

The website also has to be easy to maintain by the owner and the designing company, as many industries need ongoing or regular updation. If the website is built on popular platforms, then it becomes easier to get it maintained by an outside agency other than the original designing company, if you decide to change the agency.
Interacting with a web design agency and discussing the latest trends, innovative ways of content presentations, and launching a user-friendly website should be on top of the agenda.

Web Design Services


Best In Web Design Services in India, USA, Australia & Europe

Opal Infotech offers exclusive web designing & development services with their backup office in India and branches in the Netherlands, Australia, and the USA. Opal Infotech, a web design company applies cutting-edge technologies to keep up the highest standards in quality, originality, creativity, and success assurance.

Our professional web designers closely follow fresh ideas with a completely fresh approach for every request. Every client is precious to us thus we treat every client in person by spotlighting great stress on their needs to make their online presence stay exclusive from others. We aim to keep the creative work clear and crisp, easy to navigate, and quick to download.

It is the appearance that first captures the browser’s attention, then follows the content and other important features in the internet link page layout. A good page reinforces your message and delivers it with more impact. Every company is unique and therefore each layout we create will reflect the client’s requirements and characteristics.


Opal Infotech is a professional web design service provider in India that offers affordable, browsing-friendly solutions and innovative design patterns. By combining technology with creativity, we create elegant and professional online identities for your products. It is important to have an informative and attractive website to attract more visitors and ensure the success of your firm. At Opal Infotech, our highly talented web designers pay attention to even the smallest details and provide maximum information about the purpose of your business appearing on the internet.

Hire a Web Design Company that understands your business


When any company invests in a website design project, the main objective of the company is either branding generating new business opportunities, or both.

To reach this goal web design has to be unique, custom-designed, easy to browse, fast downloading, responsive, content-rich, and of course SEO friendly. Opal Infotech as a professional web design company keeps all these requirements on the agenda for successful design. Maintaining a professional & business-oriented website in our mind we present you with a stunning design that exceeds your expectations & also fulfills the goal of the company to create and establish brand value & generate the best business opportunities when supported by aggressive digital marketing plans.

Business website design is not a one-person job by hiring a freelancer type of agency but it’s complete teamwork of experienced & expert web designers. Hire Opal Infotech as your trusted and result-oriented website designer to develop a benchmarking website that becomes the envy of competitors.


Our expert team understands your business in a better way and this is the reason why OPAL INFOTECH is a preferred B2B web design company. B2B (business-to-business) business. B2B refers to commercial transactions that take place between two businesses rather than between a business and an individual consumer. In a B2B context, One business is dealing with another business, for example, one component manufacturer supplies products to another manufacturer to build a machine.
A well-designed and functionality-rich website is crucial for B2B businesses to maintain a competitive edge. Such a website enhances user experience, strengthens brand identity, boosts credibility, improves search engine visibility, offers a competitive advantage, and fosters customer retention.

By integrating advanced functionalities, businesses can gain a distinct advantage and improve their success rate in the digital marketplace. Investing in a robust website design with rich functionalities is essential for businesses aiming to enhance their online presence and remain competitive in today's dynamic business environment.

Hire web designers who can transform your thoughts into reality. For this, experienced designers are the most important for successful project completion because experience makes expertise. Opal Infotech has existed since 1998 when the era of web design began. Custom website design is not only a layout design or a web page design; lots of technicalities are also involved, including mobile compatibility [responsive web design], speed optimization, and in-depth knowledge of website designing platforms like Angular, WordPress, Shopify, Magento, PrestaShop, React Native, React js, various PHP platforms including Laravel, CodeIgniter, Flutter, etc.

Opal Infotech has a group of qualified web developers with in-depth knowledge of web design platforms. Each website is unique if it is not developed with a template. We have vast experience and expertise in custom website design. Discuss with our technical team your company’s requirements by scheduling a call or chat. We are happy to assist you from convenient locations such as India, the USA, Australia, and the Netherlands.

Web Design Company For Efficient Business Growth

It starts with an in-depth understanding of your business, products & services, industry trends, and competition by the team of business analysts, web designers, developers, and project coordinators when you decide to build a brilliant website for the growth of your business.

To have an understanding of all these aspects, the team must have experience and knowledge in designing websites for various industries so that you can also get valuable inputs and guidance to make a user-centric and visually appealing website, as you may not be aware of industry trends.
The website becomes result-oriented when it has outputs like fast loading, content-rich, attractive, easy to navigate, etc. The role of the coordinator is also equally important to convey your inputs to the team and give you regular updates and suggestions given by the designing and development team.
After the completion of the project, it becomes more crucial to maintain the website on a regular or emergency basis. A well-managed web design company like OPAL INFOTECH always gives priority to maintenance work, as your business is digitally live. Check before you hire any web agency regarding terms of complimentary or paid website maintenance.

The Internet is a powerful medium for attracting and generating customers for any business. The website must have an appealing layout to attract potential customers and engage a targeted audience. The page should be developed in such a way that it becomes a gateway to generate sales leads and attract profitable opportunities.

An attractive online presence has become essential for all companies nowadays to attain a leading position in the competitive industry. We provide affordable web design & development services that surely help you stay within your budget and concentrate on the continuous progress of your business. The layout of a website plays a major role in this success.

We create traditional and contemporary methods of creation integrating the latest technology and search engine optimization strategy as per the client’s budget.

So, if you are looking for a website design company or redesign agency with professional web services anywhere that can serve your needs. Yet, several years of experience, advanced technology, unmatched creativity, professional skills, and abundant resources make it possible for Opal Infotech to serve clients beyond their expectations.

Opal Infotech in India serves diverse global companies with the help of experienced and professional web designers., and experienced developers. Within a short span, we created a niche in this field by providing cost-effective solutions to clients in terms of various internet-related services.

Let’s look at why website designing is essential for your businesses:

  • Your First Impression online is very important.
    Did you know that 70% of small businesses fail within the first 10 years? One main reason is often the neglect of digital marketing. With Google as a major catalyst of change, customers now rely on search engines for almost everything.

    Therefore, the best way to increase your business's survival rate is to ensure your website is worth the consumer’s time. Today's consumers research businesses before making purchases, so maintaining an attractive and informative online profile is crucial. Investing in efficient web design is essential, as it forms the first impression of your business.
  • Your SEO strategy will improve.
    For most enterprises today, on-page SEO which is a part of technical SEO is vital. This is one thing enterprises can't stand to fail. On the off chance that your on-page SEO essentials are substandard, you'll be taking on a tough conflict for visibility from the beginning.

    Besides how your users interact with the content analyzed on your site, certain web page composition components can straightforwardly influence SEO all by themselves. Website designers' composition can be hard to comprehend in case you're inexperienced with how it functions, however, to lay it out plainly, your code should be SEO-accommodating. Hence, proper attention to web design must be given.
  • Execution is everything.
    Most e-commerce website designers lose their consumers because they either have a long and confusing checkout process or the website crashes or they are hopping onto other website designers who are probably offering them better deals.
    The truth is simpler, eCommerce behavior is ever-changing, and if an enterprise wants to expand and develop a relationship with consumers it needs to make sure that its website designers are so eminently designed that it doesn’t have to crash troubleshoot problems or trouble the checkout process. This requires investment in terms of thinking and proper execution of the website designer's design.
  • Content will always remain the king.
    Your website design is the portal of your company’s brand image. In other words, your design is your first and foremost identity, which makes your consumers trust you. If your content is authentic and unique it is still the best strategy available to attract people.
    Your website is almost a communication channel for you as it is a content creation funnel. It’s one of the foremost reasons, why choosing the right web design company and asking for the right feature is important because doing it wrong might cost your enterprise not only money but also hurt the brand image.
  • Call to action strategy
    Call to action strategy (CTA) inspired technique needs to instinctively direct your guests through your image story and items or administrations. The client experience and UI need to cause them to draw in, make a move, and convert. A coordinated blog and simple product images can be your call to action strategy given, that the firm needs to take care of the content and progressively update those static site pages.
  • Real-time Marketing
    Distant memories are the days when advertising activities would be bolted easily with just a billboard or banner. Constant advertising has become a significant test for some associations to be pertinent, give incredible client support, and offer service and heading as news breaks when occasions occur.

    With the entirety of this, comes consistent difficulties, however the potential for significant prizes including importance, newsworthiness, and being at the bleeding edge of the brains of your crowd. All things considered, being set up with website designers also helps in analyzing data and gaining insights into the consumers' minds which in turn helps in doing real-time marketing and advertising that the customers are interested in.
  • Redesigning an existing website benefits many industries
    The world is changing very fast, and so are customer behaviors, choices, and preferences. If your website is two years or older, then it is the right time to redesign the website. Give your website a modern look and a mobile-first indexing design. We make sure that new web designs for the business will have better speed, a better user experience, and better SEO performance, which may result in a drastic reduction in bounce rate. Ultimately, it means you are getting the right kind of traffic.

Website Design & Development Process

Website Design & Development Process

Custom Website Design Services

Readymade templates are available to design cheap websites but not unique web designs. Opal Infotech has experience and expertise as a professional custom website design company. Professional design is instrumental in creating brand value that only custom design can give. If a company's website is identical to so many website designs on the web then how one can expect branding through another look-alike website?

One of the motives for hiring a website design company or agency is to convert website business into fruitful lead generation and Opal Infotech as a professional web design company can help to fulfill this goal. It is proven that a custom website captures more target audience attention & a better conversion rate than a template-made design.

Custom web design services by Opal Infotech help your company to stand out from hundreds of competitors' websites that are listed above or below you.

Easy To Manage Website Admin Module

The mark of professional and experienced web design is that web designers & web developers should be able to design admin modules in such a way that a user must be able to manage content easily. Opal Infotech designs an extremely user-friendly admin module whether it is a content website, eCommerce website, or customized web development.

We also arrange a special training session to guide you on how to change content & upload images without disturbing the website layout or responsiveness of the website.

User-friendly admin saves time & increases comfort level as we understand that the module developed by us is going to be used by non-IT professionals. In web design services, user-friendly admin module designing consists of user profile management, a content management system to display various data in terms of text, graphics, images, or tables, integration with the third-party system or API, user authorization restriction & transfer, data analysis & SEO optimization, etc.

Website services by Opal Infotech have a simple admin module design with illustrative icons & comfortable navigation module.

Why choose Opal Infotech as your Web create partner?

We are a professional web designing company that not only has years of credibility but also has provided our customers with a support system. Our creative designers have catered to high-profile clientele with utmost excellence and we want to deliver the same experience for you.

Our web design services are dedicated to delivering the best online presence for you. We work passionately with a process that includes Lifecycle Agility, Development Process Transparency with Full-cycle Web Development Services, and professional consulting and support. Our proven website creation methodologies yield high lead conversions, lead capture, and increased sales. We ensure everything is synced, from colors to the backend to graphics. We design websites with a focus on strategic planning, compelling visual design, and optimal user experience to drive superior results.

All projects in our web design company are fully customizable because we believe in creating something that resonates with your vision and imagination. Every business has unique goals and audiences, which is why we offer various approaches to meet diverse needs. Whether you are an established enterprise or a startup, our web design services align perfectly with your requirements and the latest web design trends.

Our success is not measured by any numbers but measured by your happiness with our creation. We do efforts that ensure engagement, no crashes, efficiency, and elegance. We promise to deliver your vision with imagination and the best technology for you to grow in this fast-moving online world. So let’s join hands and create an art piece that showcases your identity to the world.

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