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Website Maintenance Services Company

ill-maintained Website Can Ruin Your Business & Grow Your Competitors.

Are you facing problems with your website like slow speed, outdated plugins, broken links and images, content issues, infected forms issues, OR product upgrading? then we can resolve the site problems @ super fast speed. Contact us for emergency or regular website maintenance service packages.

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Website Maintenance Services Company

Opal Infotech: Reliable and Quick Website Maintenance Services Provider

Creating a website from scratch is more convenient for developers with in-depth knowledge of the specific domain. However, working on existing sites, resolving issues, implementing new features, and enhancing performance can be significantly more challenging.
Here are some reasons why you should select OPAL INFOTECH as a website maintenance services company.

  • Experience & Expertise:
    Our developers, highly skilled and experienced in website development and maintenance across multiple platforms, deliver superior-quality services tailored to meet specific requirements.
  • Proactive approach:
    We consistently take a proactive stance in identifying and resolving critical issues to ensure they don't affect website performance. These issues may include bugs, speed optimization, security improvements, content updates, or feature enhancements.
  • Timely support and meeting deadlines:
    We understand the anxiety of customers while the maintenance job is in progress. We prioritize effective communication right from the maintenance contract award, which includes explaining the work to be done, the expected time frame, the criticality of issues, and addressing your raised queries. We make sure that the entire maintenance process will be smooth.
  • Cost-effective solutions:
    We keep our maintenance costs competitive by handling everything in-house. This means you get the benefit of our experienced team directly, ensuring high-quality service at a reasonable price.
Check out our website maintenance packages with various options

Slow Downloading Website ??? We offer immediate website maintenance Services

Speed issue is critically found on many websites nowadays. This is generally due to various coding issues, large image sizes, long server response times, etc. Page loading is important in giving a good user experience and listing sites better in search engines.
If the page's load time is short, visitors would surf your content easily and can remain on the page for a long that may turn into your customers. High page speed creates a good impression and increases the revisits of users and conversion rates.
Thus, if it takes time to load, we can help you! We provide Speed Optimization services, We optimize with page speed tools by decreasing load time and optimizing images to increase speed score. We can also provide free checkups so that you can know issues that lead to the slowing down of the website and can help resolve those issues.

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Our Web Maintenance Services to Protect against Malware

As you are aware, new virus threats are evolving daily, and the software, operating systems, and backend/frontend solutions that were once effective in addressing vulnerabilities may become obsolete, leading to potential malfunctions or crashes when combating these new threats.
This is one of the reasons why software companies continuously research emerging threats and release patches to address vulnerabilities, enhancing the security of their software and applications.
Therefore, our professional website maintenance team updates the platform version and installs security patches to protect the website from spam and virus attacks that could compromise important business data.

Opal Infotech covers Plugins Updates in Website Maintenance Services

Similarly many times it requires updating the plugin or modifying the application to function as per the requirement. Plugin updates may give additional features that can be useful in site operations, but the plugin must be integrated well for better functioning.

Even upgrading the WordPress/other versions (check out our WordPress maintenance services page ), requires checking that the new version is compatible with all installed plugins, else disintegrates existing plug-ins with the new version which may mess up its functions. So it is highly recommended to hire Opal Infoteh's experts to maintain the website with updated plugins.

Opal Infotech, an experienced company can provide all types of website maintenance services to existing or newly developed sites. Here are listed several maintenance services offered by the Opal expert developers team, available in standard as well as customized packages. We ensure our maintenance service fulfills all your requirements to keep your online presence healthy and running easily. Call us now, if you want to upgrade the platform version, plugin update, security patch installation, speed optimization, complimentary checkup, or any other performance-related issues to rectify.

Discuss with Our Experts

Enhance Your Website's Credibility and Performance: Broken Link Repair

Broken links can significantly hinder your website's user experience and search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Here's why fixing them is crucial:

Improved User Experience:

  • Enhanced Credibility: When users encounter broken links, they may question your website's legitimacy and professionalism. Addressing broken links builds trust and fosters a positive user experience.

Boosted SEO Performance:

  • Search Engine Signals: Broken links can send negative signals to search engines, potentially impacting your website's ranking. Fixing them ensures your website is properly crawled and indexed, leading to better visibility in search results.

Internal and External Links:

Our comprehensive maintenance services address both internal links (within your website) and external links (pointing to other websites).

Expertise in Broken Link Repair:

  • 301 Redirects: We strategically utilize 301 Redirects to seamlessly direct users to the correct destination when a linked page has moved.
  • Link Removal: For genuinely non-existent pages, we remove the broken link to maintain a clean and efficient website structure.

Opal Infotech's Proven Approach:

Through our extensive experience, we've identified common causes of broken links, including:

  • Page Relocation: Links may break due to page renames or URL structure changes. We implement proper redirects to ensure users and search engines land on the intended page.
  • Incorrect Links: Typos or inaccuracies in link URLs can lead to errors. We meticulously review and rectify such mistakes.

Invest in Website Performance:

A well-maintained website, free of broken links, is essential for building brand reputation, exploring new business opportunities, and delivering an exceptional user experience.

Opal Infotech: Your Trusted Partner:

We offer professional broken link repair services to optimize your website's performance and enhance your online presence. Let us help you create a seamless user journey and achieve your SEO goals.

A Breakdown in The website means a loss in Business, which can’t be afforded at any cost.

Here is the reason why you should contact us to fix the issue immediately. When prospective customers experience disruptions on a website, it can result in missed opportunities. Frequent breakdowns create a negative impression on your business. If it experiences prolonged failures, it may start affecting your search engine ranking.

Search engines prioritize delivering the most relevant and reliable results. Consequently, your website may experience a sudden drop in rankings if it has broken or non-functioning links, which can also give your competitors an advantage.

A poorly maintained website undermines your business's credibility and trustworthiness, creating doubts in the minds of potential customers about your reliability, customer service, and overall competence. If you are concerned about these issues, it is time to contact us for emergency website maintenance. Our expert team of web developers and designers will promptly address and fix these problems.

For reliable and efficient website maintenance, contact Opal Infotech today. Our professional services will ensure your website remains in top condition, enhancing user experience and maintaining your competitive edge.


Opal Infotech Solves Website Maintenance Challenges

My website is showing errors while updating from the backend what could be the reasons and how will you fix this as a website maintenance agency?

As a trusted website maintenance services company specializing in PHP development, we understand the challenges associated with backend errors. In this guide, we'll walk you through common PHP backend errors and provide solutions to resolve them effectively.

  • Parse Errors: Streamline your PHP development by effectively debugging parse errors! These syntax mistakes, often causing blank pages or error messages, arise from missing semicolons, unmatched parentheses/braces/quotes, or syntax inconsistencies.
      To conquer them, meticulously review the code around the error line (identified in the error message) and rectify mistakes like missing semicolons or unmatched parentheses. Consider using code linter, static analysis tools, or syntax highlighting editors to prevent these errors from derailing your development process.

  • Undefined Variable or Function Errors: Undefined variable or function errors occur when PHP attempts to use a variable or function that hasn't been defined.
    To fix these errors, ensure that all variables are properly initialized before use and that all functions are declared or included in the PHP file where they are being called.

  • Database Connection Errors: Database connection errors can occur if PHP cannot establish a connection to the database server. Check that the database credentials specified in your PHP code are correct and that the database server is accessible.
    Additionally, ensure that the necessary PHP extensions, such as MySQL or PDO, are installed and enabled on your server.

  • File Permission Issues: File permission issues can prevent PHP from accessing or writing to files on the server. Ensure that the directories and files relevant to backend functionality have the correct permissions set to allow PHP to read from and write to them as needed.
      Consult your server documentation or hosting provider for guidance on setting file permissions.

  • Memory Limit Exceeded Errors: PHP's memory limit restricts the amount of memory that PHP scripts can consume. If backend operations require significant memory resources, you may encounter "memory limit exceeded" errors.
    To address these errors, consider optimizing your PHP code to reduce memory usage or adjusting the memory_limit directive in your PHP configuration file.

  • Debugging with PHP Frameworks: If your website is built using a PHP framework such as Laravel or Symfony, take advantage of built-in debugging tools and error-handling mechanisms provided by the framework. Utilize features like stack traces, logging, and debugging consoles to diagnose and troubleshoot backend errors more efficiently.

In conclusion, encountering PHP backend errors when updating website content can be challenging, but with the right approach and troubleshooting techniques, these errors can be effectively identified and resolved.
Remember, our team of experienced PHP developers is here to provide expert support, ensuring your website remains secure, functional, and optimized for performance.

I want to enhance my website functionalities by adding plugins with 3rd party integration and other customization. How can a website maintenance company help me?

Enhance Your Website's Potential with Expert Maintenance: Does your site feel missing something? Maybe it could be more engaging, user-friendly, or simply offer more functionality. If you're looking to take your website to the next level, consider the power of website maintenance and optimization.

Unlocking New Features with Plugins and Integrations: At Opal Infotech, we understand that your website is a dynamic part of your business. Our website maintenance services go beyond just keeping things running smoothly.
We can help you explore the vast world of plugins and 3rd party integrations to add powerful new features to your website.

Plugin Selection and Integration: Opal Infotech, a website maintenance services company, typically has experience working with a variety of plugins across different platforms. We can help you choose the right plugins based on your specific needs and integrate them seamlessly into your website.

Supercharge Functionality: Want to add online store functionalities, create engaging contact forms, or integrate useful features? Plugins offer a vast array of options to extend capabilities.

Seamless 3rd Party Integration: Do you use external services like CRM integrations, omnichannel integrations, automation features, or payment gateways? We can help connect your website with these tools for a more streamlined workflow, ensuring smooth connectivity.

Customization Made Just for You: Sometimes, off-the-shelf solutions just don't cut it. Our team of experienced developers can create custom modifications to your website's design and functionality, ensuring it perfectly reflects your brand and caters to your specific needs.

Performance Optimization: Adding too many plugins or poorly coded customizations can impact performance. We, as a maintenance agency, can optimize your website to ensure it remains fast and responsive even with added functionalities.

Security and Updates: Plugins and third-party integrations need to be regularly updated to ensure security and compatibility with the latest versions of your website platform. We, as a maintenance company, can take care of these updates, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities.

The Benefits of Ongoing Maintenance: Our website maintenance services don't stop after the initial upgrade. We offer ongoing support to:

  • Keep Plugins Updated: Ensure your website remains secure and functions optimally by keeping plugins up-to-date with the latest versions.

  • Provide Technical Support: Encountered an issue with a plugin or customization? Our team is here to help troubleshoot and resolve any technical problems.

Ready to Take Your Company to the Next Level?

Contact Opal Infotech today for a free consultation and discuss how our website maintenance services can help you enhance functionalities and unlock its full potential.

I am looking for a website maintenance company as my website is not updated as per current business standards & looks outdated as compared to my competitor. How can we fix this rather than redesigning the entire website?

Elevating your website to meet contemporary business standards is pivotal for staying competitive and driving growth.
Our comprehensive website maintenance service packages encompass a strategic overhaul focusing on enhancing user experience (UX) and optimizing content to resonate with your target audience effectively.
We ensure seamless functionality and responsiveness across devices, bolstering user engagement and conversion rates.

Our team specializes in modernizing design while preserving brand identity, ensuring a cohesive and impactful online presence. Through rigorous testing and meticulous attention to detail, we guarantee flawless operation and compatibility, bolstering reliability and credibility.

Moreover, our proactive approach extends to security enhancements, including SSL certificates and regular updates, safeguarding your valuable data and fostering trust with your audience. Compliance with accessibility standards and legal requirements further underscores your commitment to inclusivity and integrity.

In addition, we meticulously scan for broken links, address missing or outdated images, and implement necessary banner changes to keep it fresh and engaging. By leveraging advanced analytics tools, we provide actionable insights to optimize performance and drive tangible business results.
Our expertise in search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, such as keyword optimization and content refinement, elevates the website's visibility and attracts qualified traffic, ultimately boosting your bottom line.

Contact us for website maintenance services and unlock the full potential of your online presence.

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Magento Website Maintenance

Magento Web Maintenance

We help to fix the issues before they adversely affect business with our Magento website maintenance and support services and resources. Get immediate assistance from Opal Infotech with any type of technical functionality issue related to design or development.

  • Security Patch Update

  • Extension Installation

  • Version Upgradation

  • Bug resolve

  • Payment Integration

  • Shipping Integration

PrestaShop Website Maintenance

PrestaShop Maintenance

Get rapid web maintenance services for any type of technical or functionality problem related to design or development. We help keep the online shop up to date.

  • Version Update

  • Security Patch installation

  • Plugin Update

  • Remove unwanted Plugin

  • Perform Speed Optimization

  • Malware Removal

If you are not able to identify problems, Opal Infotech - a website maintenance services company can help you identify

Shopify Website Maintenance & Management

Shopify Maintenance

If your current Shopify store is facing any problems, needs an upgrade, or has integrated any API, plugin, or theme, we have solutions for all types of technical and design-related issues.

  • Correct Configuration

  • Designing Tweak

  • Adding/Tweaking Page Content

  • Uploading Products

  • Product Listing Audits

Website Maintenance for other E-Commerce

Our Website maintenance services for other E-Commerce

Opal Infotech can work on the following platforms and offer e-commerce website maintenance services effectively: We have experience handling several types of complex problems related to performance.

  • VirtueMart 

  • WooCommerce

  • OsCommerce 

  • BigCommerce 

  • 3D Cart 

  • Zen Cart 

Joomla Website Maintenance

Joomla Maintenance & Migration

We are experts in Joomla maintenance, support, and migration services. If you wish to migrate an existing Joomla website to any other platform, we can suggest appropriate solutions based on your objectives.

  • Version Update

  • Security Patch installation

  • Plugin Update

  • Google ReCaptcha code

  • Analysis of plugins and removal of unwanted plugin

  • Perform Speed Optimization

  • Virus Remove

  • Database Update

WordPress Website Maintenance

WordPress Website Maintenance Services

Suppose you are facing problems with custom-built WordPress. In that case, we can offer quick WordPress maintenance and support services whether it is related to themes, plugins, functionalities, OR any other technical issues.

  • Version Update

  • Security Patch installation

  • Plugin Update

  • Google ReCaptcha code

  • Analysis of plugins and removal of unwanted plugin

  • Perform Speed Optimization

  • Malware Removal

  • Database Update

Other Maintenance Services

Other Website Maintenance Services offered by Opal Infotech

We have the hands-on experience and expertise to offer support and maintenance services on the following frameworks: We have successfully handled many such customized maintenance projects.

  • Core PHP

  • Drupal

  • Zend Framework

  • Symphony

  • Weebly

  • Laravel Framework

  • CakePHP

  • CodeIgniter

  • Symfony

  • Yii 2 

  • FuelPHP Framework

  • Slim Framework

Maintenance for Classified Portal

Maintenance for Classified Portal

Improve performance, fix the bugs, and add more functionalities, new module integration, and enhanced security under our classified website maintenance package.

  • Security Checking

  • Code Analysis

  • Monitoring web performance

  • MySQL Query analysis

  • MySQL Database Optimization

  • Perform Speed Optimization

Web Maintenance for Travel Portal

Website Maintenance for Travel Portal

Right from fixing bugs, solving database errors, adding new features, integrating with a new API, and removing or replacing modules under our travel portal maintenance package.

  • Security Checking

  • Code Analysis

  • Monitoring web performance

  • MySQL Query analysis

  • MySQL Database Optimization

  • Perform Speed Optimization

Do Maintenance Services Matter?

It is as important as new web design and development and it must be regularly maintained to keep it running at peak efficiency. On the digital edge, where the majority of businesses are online, your company website also must be up and running without any hindrance all the way.

What Can You Expect After Website Maintenance Services?



  • From... No Checklist Tested

    To... Checklist Prepared

  • From... Old Version of Module

    To... Latest Version Updated

  • From... Bugs & Errors Experienced

    To... Bugs & Errors Fixed

  • From... Slow Website

    To... Speed Optimize

  • From... Multiple Security Threats

    To... Fully Secured

  • From... Costly Payments Gateways

    To... Low Transaction Fees Payment Gateways

  • From... Troublesome Checkout

    To... Superfast Checkout

  • From... Structural Problem

    To... User-Friendly Structure

  • From... Developed by an Inexperienced Team

    To... Maintained by an Experienced Team

  • From... Lacks of User Friendliness

    To... User Friendliness

Opal Infotech - website maintenance services company that can help your business growth

There are several objectives when you design a website. Though objectives may be selling, branding, information, or others, they should not be affected due to their poor performance. What happens when it suddenly crashes down or the lead generation forms don’t work? A few extra seconds may lead to the loss of your visitors or you can say, potential customers.

Thus every site needs maintenance services and should be updated with the latest features and other requirements for excellent web performance over a period to keep your visitors engaged for absolute user experience.

Opal Infotech, a creative and dynamic web development company in India, has years of hands-on experience and expertise in design & development on different platforms makes us specialists in website maintenance services for platforms including Shopify, Magento, WordPress, Custom PHP, Drupal, PrestaShop, Joomla OpenCart, ZenCart, XCart, Bigcommerce, 3dcart, Volusion, OsCommerce, Amazon web store, Weebly, WooCommerce.

We know maintenance needs for SMEs and corporate sites that seek an immediate solution, as this is the matter of their online business. Opal Infotech as an experienced website services company understands that when it goes down what happens?

Elevating Experience

Why are Website Maintenance Service packages needed?

We have several clients who face challenges and abrupt issues or crises that are a bit difficult to handle individually. This is why we have developed various website maintenance packages that fulfill your one-time or frequent patch-up needs. In each situation, website management plans are crucial & essential key to having a successful website. Be assured to get our quick response by phone, email, or Skype, along with complete website maintenance service packages. You can also ask for free testing and we will provide you with a detailed report on issues related to your existing site.

Website maintenance services in 4 easy steps

Website Maintenance FAQs

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