Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.
Here is a success story of one Singapore based biomedical manufacturing and Exporting Company, showcasing how an effective digital marketing strategy for Alibaba and Google can grow your business step by step guided by Opal Infotech, a digital marketing agency.
Since the company has one manufacturing unit in China they knew the importance and effectiveness of Alibaba platform for B2B. The company is also Alibaba Gold supplier member since the year 2009.
When we approached this company the owner discussed certain challenges with us. Though they were a member since 2009 but till 2015, there was a very little contribution to business or inquiries through Alibaba media. They also shared that their competitors are doing good business through the Alibaba platform. The company had posted a few products but they were hardly getting any inquiries. They were dealing with bio medical equipment which is related to diagnosis and accuracy but they were not carrying strong brand image.
Opal Infotech‘s strategic team, a leading digital marketing agency, thoroughly analyzed all challenges and devised a comprehensive strategy for Alibaba account and website management. As a digital marketing company we have expert digital marketers at Opal, divided solution into 2 phases. In phase 1 we focused on generating inquiries and placing the company at par with their competitors. In phase 2 we planned to beat the competition by all the digital ways and staying ahead of the competition.
We decided the time frame of 2 years for phase 1 while for phase 2 we decided years 2 to 4.
Now, what we did in phase 1 –
– The most important thing for us to generate serious inquiries through Alibaba account and to achieve that we have to post and optimize products on Alibaba. Till the time, products they posted were not optimized properly. So, we posted and optimized products to get better ranking and visibility.
– We also set up account more professionally. Another reason of why they were not getting inquiries was because most of their competitors were having minisite and buyers do visit the posting of many companies for better and genuine deal. Since their competitors were having minisite, apparently buyers perception used to be that the company having minisite has more inclination for business and must be pro-active. So, we designed minisite with latest technology in first phase.
– After 3 to 4 months, client started getting visibility on Alibaba platform and received few inquiries but that was not enough. After six months, there was a radical change for incoming inquiries.
– Client started getting more meaningful inquiries and extremely excited with the results. He got confidence in the technology and decided to implement phase 2 after completion of 1 year rather than pre decided time of 2 years.

– In phase 2, we suggested him to upgrade Alibaba products posting and optimization package from 240 products in 3 months to 1000 posting in 6 months with optimization. This we suggested because products posting and optimization strategy started giving positive ROI.
– We also suggested them to re-vamp website with latest technology to create better user experience. We also started Google paid promotion to explore new market, better visibility and challenging competition.
Now let’s talk about results-
– The company is our client since 2015 and after approximately 4 years of association, they are clear leaders in ranking. Their name is appearing top slots with most of the relevant keywords for their business.
– Since all products are posted professionally his inquiry ratio has improved more than 70% visits to the number of inquiries.
– Alibaba minisite created a great impression for the first time visitors and created great brand value.
– Continues products posting and optimization ranked products higher and higher with many combination of keywords. As a result,our client did not miss most of the inquiries as it is very difficult to predict what a prospective buyer thinks to use as a keyword to search a product.
– One more benefit our client started getting is multiple listing of the products with the same keyword. So, the probability of getting visibility and inquiries become higher and at the same time, it started throwing back competitors’ listing on subsequent pages.
– New look and re-design of website benefited as many prospective buyers visited the company website for reference or check genuineness.
– All Google ads helped the client to get more buyers from different channels who were not using Alibaba.
– The Google promotion strategy consists of finding new buyers, automatic follow up with your prospective buyer, tracking your competitors’ movement and having a presence where the prospective buyer goes.
In short, today our client is an undisputed leader in his industry within a span of 4 years. The credit goes to our clients’ vision, persistence and patience.
It is rightly said ‘It is in the moment of decision that your destiny is shaped! ‘